A Doomsday is what it's called...
I'm a writer who looks for animators to make my stories more appealing to audiences of today's generation. I like THE MADNESS SERIES because the storyline is simple to fallow,I appreciate the people who made the audio for Krinkel's animations.
Age 31, Male
HIGH five!
away from you
Joined on 9/22/07
Posted by Monkyord - April 14th, 2009
From my StickShort: Baby Eater... here it is Eating Babies! Scroll down. Madness Combat animation coming soon!
Posted by Monkyord - March 22nd, 2009
I'm working on finding someone to start animating a story I wrote, It's called marsh mallow express. It's about Leprechauns who get marsh mallows stolen by The cookie monster and they have a brutal fight over the marsh mallows. I don't know when it'll be done. In other news the stick figure animation is about half way done and will be posted by 04/01/09 as planned.
Posted by Monkyord - March 18th, 2009
I'm making an animation about stick men with gifted powers, it includes a popular happy face and the well known angry faic the story is that the happy one takes advantage and traps the stick man with no face and who has limited powers. in the end the happy and angry faces create a HUGE blast deadline 04/01/09 wish me luck.
UPDATE: here's an icon.
Posted by Monkyord - August 29th, 2008
I wanted to make a madness animation but let's face facts I suck at animation so I'm wrote a madness story MUST BE A GOOD ANIMATOR! Anyways here is the story:
Madness Overtake
Once there was a king of war who was the most powerful man in Nevada. You know him as Hank. He then became a hero and was trusted by the sheriff. Then the sheriff did some research about him and his evil past. The sheriff then took over Nevada and took away Hank's men, and then over threw him. So Hank worked for the sheriff but he said screw it.(animate 7 fighting scenes and any weapons/people) After all the fighting he injured the sheriff and the sheriff brain washed him... and people thought Hank as an antagonist and they locked Hank up and The Madness God diesided to make someone (besides Jebus) You have seen the black fired headed figure in Madness Combat 8. THE END...